Techno-Economic Feasibility Reports

We prepare feasibility reports for green field projects and expansion programs. ANT prepares Techno-Economic Feasibility Report (TEFR) which are well appreciated not only by its clients but also by the financial institutions and Banks in India and abroad.
The market survey which forms a part of TEFR is being carried out by ANT through Desk study and Field visits along with its own Data-Bank. This renders a crystal clear picture of the market situation and thus assists its customers to take decisions.
ANT also has its “price cell” which updates itself on prices of various commodities being used in steel plants. This help ANT in estimation of Capital cost, Production cost and Net Sales Realization (NSR) apart from demand trend of finished products.
It may be worth mentioning that ANT could satisfy the Banks of Botswana who did the thread-bare analysis of the various economic indicators worked out by ANT for Botswana Steel Project.
ANT prepared feasibility Reports for the following Projects:
- ANT Steel Works Botswana for a steel melt shop and rolling mill.
- Sarah Steel LLC, UAE for steel melt shop and rolling mill.
- Kalindi Vessels & Panels Pvt. Limited, Surat Gujarat for steel melt shop and rolling mill.
- Vaishnavi Forging and Steels, Pune, for steel melt shop and rolling mill.
- SH Steel, Gujarat, for steel melt shop and rolling mill.
- MCE, SA ASML Group, Mauritania, for steel melt shop and rolling mill.
- Madhav Alloys Private Limited, Mandi Gobindgarh for expansion program.
- The Kerkoub Group (Société Kerkoub pour l’Investissement – SKI), for 1.2 mtpa Pallet Plant, 0.45 mtpa DRI Plant and 0.30 mtpa Billets Plant. Name of the project is “Zouerate Steel Project”.
- The Kerkoub Group (Société Kerkoub pour l’Investissement – SKI), for their “Agadir Steel Project” in Morocco.