Training for Steel Plant Personnel

ANT provides class-room as well as on the job training programs for technicians, engineers and managers in steel industry. The programs are oriented to understand latest technology, introduce standard operating practices, reduce production cost and improve yield. We also cover basics of steel making, shaping and treating. “Practice is the hardest part of learning and training is the essence of transformation” Training.
ANT is specialized in training the steel plant personnel both classroom and on-the-job training in the following disciplines:-
Hot Rolling Mills:-
- Rolling Technology
- Roll Pass Design
- Rolling in Universal / Conventional Stands
- Slit Rolling Technology
- Design of Guiding Equipments
- Effective Roll Cooling
- Mill Setting Procedures
- TMT System
- Productivity Improvement
Steel Melt Shop:-
- Furnace (EAF & IMF) Operation
- Secondary Metallurgy
- Continuous Casting
- LD Converter
- AOD Converter for Stainless Steel
- Alloy Steel Making
- Development of Special Grades
- Defect Free Steel Casting
- Quality Improvement
ANT is being approached by many companies to impart training to the engineers/managers operating in the areas like production, maintenance, quality control etc. ANT imparted training to the engineers and managers of Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) on “Rolling Rails and Structurals” and “Roll Pass Design”. The training was well attended by about 60 Technocrats from different units of SAIL. In this regard, ANT received a letter of appreciation from SAIL.
This probably had a ripple effect and subsequently ANT trained persons of Bhilai Steel Plant on Blast Furnace and Steel Making & Casting Technology. Thereafter, ANT undertook training of Gerdau Steels Ltd., (Andhra Pradesh), Steel Mills in Jalna, (Maharashtra) and now ANT is approached by many other companies for training programs.
Dr. Singh in association with Roll Design International of USA has organized training schools on rolling mills in the Middle East. Today, ANT provides class-room as well as on the job training programs for various categories in the steel industry. ANT has conducted the following training programs; ANT imparts class-room and on-the-job training programmes.
Following training programmes were conducted:-
- Steel Authority of India Limited- Bhilai Steel Plant:
- A four-day training program on rolling mills with special emphesis on rolling of rails through universal-edger-universal technology was conducted by ANT for Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) at Bhilai. The program was attended by 50-60 candidates from all the units.
- Steel Authority of India Limited:
- A three-day training program on primary and secondary steel making was conducted by ANT for Steel Authority of India Limited at Bhilai. The program was attended by 45-55 candidates from Bhilai Steel Plant of SAIL.
- Steel Authority of India Limited- Durgapur Steel Plant:
- A four-day training program on structural rolling with special emphasis on rolling of beams, channels, angles and special sections through the continuous mill. The program was attended by 35-45 candidates from all the units of Steel Authority of India Limited.
- Shyam Steel Industries Limited – Durgapur:
- A four-day training program on rolling and steel making with special emphasis on technology and cost-effectiveness. The program was attended by 25-30 candidates.
- Rolling Mills in Jalna, Maharashtra:
- A two days training program on rolling mills was conducted by ANT. The program included various aspects of rolling.
- Madhav Alloys Private Limited, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab:
- A two-day training program was conducted to develop SOP’s for their rolling mill.
- Gerdau Steels Limited Tadipatri, Andhra Pradesh, India:
- ANT conducted a training program on testing and chemical analysis of steel in two sessions.